Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So we had the first official CBMC BBQ and motorcycle movie marathon last Sunday. Tons of good folks showed up much food was eaten and many drinks were poured.... A good time was had by all, highlights included Matt manning the grill, Scarey getting to test ride a brand new Buell something or other that looked really fast, and Duncan (who is a giant and rides a CB750) taking my cb 200t cafe for a spin much to all of our horror. We missed those of you who couldn't make it and hope to see you at the next shindig.
Photos from top: Sample of the bikes people rode to the party, Yours truly front and center with Scarey, and Sick Boy representing, Duncan squashing my cafe'.

1 comment:

starkmojo said...

hey whose that yeti humping a hornet!

Oh that's me